Poster "Tsarist regiments and the Red Army"
Poster “Tsarist regiments and the Red Army”
Poster “Tsarist regiments and the Red Army”

Poster “Tsarist regiments and the Red Army”. 1919.
Literary-Publishing department of the Political Administration of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic
Moor D.S.
Paper, fabric, typolithography
47.7×70.6 cm

Posters, created by D. Moore, give an idea of the artists’ search for visual means of identifying workers with the new power. First of all, such elements as a sickle and hammer were found – symbols of labor and union of city and village, a red banner – a symbol of revolution, an impregnable fortress – a symbol of the Soviet state. Given the low level of education of the social strata called by the revolution to defend the Socialist Fatherland, artists widely used in the poster simplified vocabulary and spoken language close to the popular consciousness. The posters “Have you enlisted as a volunteer? », “Universal military training – pledge of freedom”, “Tsarist regiments and the Red Army” became a vivid illustration of the confrontation between old and new symbols.

ГИМ 110972/409
ФМЛ ИД-409
ГК 6839881