Movie poster "October"
Movie poster “October”
Movie poster “October”

Movie poster “October”
RSFSR. 1927.
Ruklevsky Ya.T.
Paper. Drawing. Gouache.
207×105 cm

This is a genuine poster by Y. Ruklevsky for S. Eisenstein’s film “October”, which went down in history as the first movie poster that captured the image of Lenin.
This poster, along with other works of art, participated in the creation of the most popular symbol of the October Revolution. Leader on the armored car – the epicenter of the explosion of popular passions, directing the energy of the masses to the destruction of the old system, became a symbol of belief that the organization of an ideal society grows out of the destruction, if this destruction is a result of revolutionary folk creativity. This belief was cultivated by agitation art, which took upon itself the propaganda of the ideas of revolution and socialism.

ГИМ 111450
ФМЛ ИД-2623
ГК 6838794